Post by katelin on Dec 2, 2009 20:14:01 GMT -5
Character Information
[/u][/size][/right]Name: Katelin Salome Felicia aka "One of the Rogues Brood", also "Boss"/ Shaelin aka the Goddess of Deceit and Manipulations
Age/Birthdate: 12 years old
Gender/Species: Female, Human
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
God Choice: Katelin chose Alyx.
Canon or Original: Original
Character Description
[/u][/size][/right]Picture (optional): I'm afraid I don't have one.
Appearance: Katelin is a small child, standing at a mere 4'5" tall, and weighing a mere 87 lbs. Due to her having to steal food, money, and supplies in order to survive, she is very frail in physique, yet her speed and stamina have been build up as a result of having to run away every once in a while.
Her hair is a smooth black color, with streaks of red, and comes down to just above her shoulders. Her most distinguishing features however, are the streaks of red, her eyes, and a mark that shows on their skin when their powers awaken. Each of her eyes has a different, and opposite color. Her left eye is a crimson color, almost the color that one would expect the flames of hell to be. Her right eye on the other hand is a soothing cerulean color, the color of the ocean. In the middle of her back is a tattoo, the most distinguishing mark of her heritage. It depicts a dove in flight, which is contained in a lasso. The lasso is in turn surrounded by a dragon. This tattoo takes up most of her back.
Due to her young age, she is not very developed yet, and she has yet to mature, leaving her body seem very childish. After all, she is a child, is she not? On her forehead is the symbol of Alyx, as she believes herself to be just.
Personality: It is very hard to get an exact lock on her real personality, for her skill at lying allows her to come up with new ones on the fly, and due to the fact that she is still a child, her personality will likely change a lot.
For the most part, she is a bit rough around the edges, cursing like a sailor at times. Growing up in a gang can do that to people. She shows compassion to her gang, the gang that elected her leader. To most people, she is distrustful, though she does not show it. She often lies to those she doesn't know, or trust. This is just about everybody.
She often does things for her own benefit, or the benefit of those she does trust. In addition, she does not know how to react to a lot of emotions, such as love, and thus will take these emotions to the extreme. She is a very bothered and stunted girl. Despite this, once you get her trust, she is a loyal friend. She hates, hates, HATES, her former family, she loathes them with a passion. If asked where her parents are, she will pretend her gang is her family, and the two oldest members, to her, are her parents. On the other hand asking 'where are the Felicias?' is the only thing that can make her well and truly angry.
She is childishly naive to many things, and overwhelmingly mature on others, such as how to survive. She's a bit of an enigma. When she's alone, she likes to sing, though she does not do when she isn't alone, as it tends to make others get caught in the illusions of the words. She is also naive on a lot of the morals other people take for granted. Sure she knows it's bad to kill, and the like, but on a lot of things (like love), she is simply clueless on what is right and what is wrong. As proven when she chased after someone 17 years older than her, she doesn't understand that it was creepy, nor does she understand why she shouldn't do it. The fact that it was only the love a sister feels for her brother and not her lover was lost on her, as she simply hasn't been exposed to it. In some ways, such as that example, she is quite creepy. For the most part though, she acts far more mature than her age.
She doesn't like to fight at all. She hates and fears the sight of blood. Why, not even she herself knows. Still, if she has to fight, she will go for a one-hit kill then turn away so she doesn't have to see the blood.
Which brings us to our final point: For the most part, she's a coward. She uses the extra energy to prevent her eye-contact illusions from affecting her, and she will almost always run at the first sign of trouble. She does stand her ground when it comes to her gang however, or anything else she's passionate about. But for the most part, she is a runner, supporter, and strategist, not a fighter. One thing to note is that she will likely grow out of this in several years.
She harbors an evil spirit in her mind, though she does not know it at all. When this spirit takes over, her voice changes to a far more seductive and adultlike tone. This spirit is cruel, malicious, and sadistic. It was once said that this spirit once bathed in the blood of those she had killed.
Character History
[/u][/size][/right]Home World: Lunes Mineria
Current World: Twilight Town
Key Family Members:
Father: Henri Felicia
Mother: Selene Felicia
Personal History: Like many of the characters contained in these tales, Katelin has an interesting tale of her own. Despite being a mere twelve years in age, she has seen things that would awe others, and disgust yet others.
She has had anything but an ordinary life. She was the daughter of a wealthy noble family, and the first person to show the powers of her ancestor in millenia. Her ancestor was a woman by the name of Shaelin, revered and feared as a 'Goddess of Deceit and Manipulations.' She was an ordinary woman who made a pact with demons to gain otherworldly powers. Hers were an enhanced speed, a cunning intellect, an aura that forced people to fear her, and the ability to create illusions with her mind. She was a woman who could enslave kingdoms to her will, and in fact, caused the bloodiest conflict in the planets history. Bands of men and women tracked her down, and after a bloody conflict with her amassed kingdom, struck her down. As a parting strike, she vowed that one of her ancestry would be born with her powers, and her mind, and would bring back her name.
For a while, all the people who had a known relation to Shaelin were hunted and killed brutally, in order to prevent the conflict from rising again. Yet, it was almost an impossible task, for she was also what one could call a slut, that is to say, she enslaved men for the sole purpose of having sex with them. For a time, nothing was amiss, they had assumed the threat over, yet, it was not to be.
When her parents discovered her power, at the mere age of three, they beat her, disowned her, and left her to die in an alley. Her own parents had tried to disable her and leave her to die...
When she was abandoned, it was thought that she would die, and indeed, if a band of thieves and thugs hadn't been merciful enough to take her in, she would have. As it was however, said band of thieves and thugs, calling themselves 'the Forsaken', were returning from a robbery, and, seeing a helpless child, decided to take her in. After learning of her powers and her name, they realized what must have happened, and it was only Katelin's childish naiveity that allowed her birth parents to keep their wealth as long as they did.
In any case, Katelin grew up among the gang, and slowly grew into her role as a thief. Her Godblood abilities of illusions, lying, and cunning had made her a valuable member of the team. It was her that was the main strategist for the Forsaken, and it was thanks to her that they did not lose many men. She often aided the others in their heists with her illusions, which slowly grew in both strength and how long she could hold it up.
At the age of 9, she became rather taken with Michiel Lennart Hildebrand, the gang leader. She grew to love him, which was disturbing to him, who was 17 years her senior. She constantly made advances on him, which he constantly denied, yet it only made her grow even fonder. He was her savior after all, it was only natural that she would have an attraction, and Katelin, who could not remember how love was supposed to be, took it to the extreme.
That ended a year ago, when a heist went wrong, and Michiel was killed in a fight that resulted. His last request was that she live, not for revenge, but to enjoy life. It was perhaps those words that prevented her from trying to kill Michiel's killers, or perhaps going after her family.
Perhaps it was due to her invaluability to the gang as a whole, but after the death of Michiel, she was elected leader of the gang, even at her young age of 12. She was smart enough not to be the one who people thought was the leader, instead letting them believe that her second in command, a man by the name of Baram, is the leader, while she leads the gang from the shadows. But little did she know, that it was not to last.
One day about oh two months ago, she had recruited a series of people into the Forsaken. One of them, Bahram, sharing a name similar to her second in command, betrayed them. He pretended to be captured by the authorities, and when she along the rest of her gang went to rescue him, they were surrounded, her men were butchered, and she was captured and sentenced to death. It just so happened, that in that dark dungeon where she was being held happened to be the exact same dungeon that contained the heart of the world. The Heartless began spawning almost right next to her. She can only recall feeling absolute terror, and hearing a victorious laughter...
To this day she does not know how or why she survived, she only knows that she has to do something, anything, to find a way to survive. She needs, to find answers. How did she survive? Why was she on another world? So many things didn't add up...
Character Life
+Anyone she considers friends
-Everyone else
-Being forced to steal to live
-Her blood family
Goals: She merely wants to survive, to keep on living. She fears death, fears that she will go to hell because of her powers and her lifestyle.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+She has an innate ability to create and control illusions. Therefore, she is also immune to illusions used against her.
+She's really fast, and cunning.
+She can think on her feet
+Everyonce in a while, Shaelin will take over. She is no stronger than Katelin herself, however, she appears stronger because she knows how to use all of her powers, including the aura of fear that Katelin herself does not even know she has. Also, her mastery over her powers, allows her to use her illusions more often than Katelin herself.
+She's small, and thus can manuver well.
+She is also very flexible.
-Her illusions have some very strict limitations.I'll explain in detail below.
-She will lie. A lot. Thus, though she can think on her feet, unless you get her to trust you, don't trust her.
-She's very susceptible to the elements, i.e. she's more affected by heat and cold than most people. She also gets sick fairly easily.
-She, like Tsunade from Naruto, panicks whenever she sees blood, possibly causing her to freeze and be unable to defend herself.
-She's not very experienced in a fight, and relies mostly on instinct, which puts her at a disadvantage against most people.
-Her size is also a disadvantage. She doesn't have the leverage needed to do serious damage to a lot of the nobodies, and she also has low defense, that is to say, she relies on her speed to dodge attacks, instead of block them or take them. Once you land a hit on her, she will go down easily.
[/u][/size][/right]Magic: No magic in the typical sense. You'll see what I mean.
Abilities: Talents: Her talents are relatively few. Her greatest talent is her cunning and crafty mind, perhaps inherited from her Godly ancestor. She is able to think on her feet, and can come up with some plans. She rarely shares these plans however. She has two other talents. Her first talent, is her ability to lie. She can come up with a believable lie on the spot or create an entirely different persona in order to get out of trouble. Her final talent is running away. That's it.
Abilities: She has inherited a few things from her ancestor. Her natural cunning is enhanced, a reference to her ancestors immense cunning. Eventually when she learns of Shaelins presence, she will begin to learn how to project an aura of fear around her. Her most iconic ability, is the ability to form an illusion either through eye contact or her voice. Forming an illusion with her voice is the most difficult, but less draining method of performing illusions. Eye contact is far simpler, but, as a repercussion, casts a lot more energy, and usually leaves her unable to perform any more for the rest of the day. She cannot use an illusion on the same person more than once per week for a voice activated illusion, or once per month for eye contact activated.
Another difference between the two, is that her voice activated illusions are rather basic unless she has aid, whereas her eye contact illusions are far stronger, and instant, as opposed to the long 'casting times' of the voice illusions. Another little problem, is that her illusions affect, at most, five people. Eye contact, obviously, only affects one. Also, they do have a time limit. Her illusions have a maximum time of 25 minutes. Any eye-contact illusion, or a voice illusion only affecting one person, will take this long to wear off. For each additional person affected, you take off five minutes. Therefore, an illusion affecting two people will last 20 minutes, three people 15 minutes, and so on so forth.
The final difference between the two lies in control. At the moment, anyone who hears her voice when she's casting a voice illusion will get caught in it, friend or foe. Eye contact on the other hand is very controlled, and has no chance of hitting any other people besides the one she's making eye contact with.
This ability does have weaknesses however. Firstly, her voice illusions don't affect her, for the most part. Thus, an illusion like 'You feel no pain.' would not affect her at all.
Also, the amount of energy used by her illusions is dependant on the illusion. Above, I only mentioned the 'rule-of-thumb' energy costs. However, it is possible for a voice command to cost a lot more than the eye contact ones. It depends on the complexity.
Thirdly, is the absurdly high cost for an illusion cast by eye contact. There is a reason for it. The extra energy prevents her from seeing it. If she was willing to see one of her illusions, she could drastically cut the cost, but she's too much of a coward to do so. Like voice illusions, the more complicated the illusion, the more energy she has to spend.
Her greatest weakness, is her age. She is simply not old enough to have enough energy or control to make the most of her powers. On the surface, it looks like she can cast illusions to use a bastardized version of invisibility or mind control, but due to her young age, she cannot, as she has neither the power nor the energy to do so.
Now for some examples, a voice illusion would be cast by Katelin layering her voice with magic then saying 'You know there's a killer behind you, right?'. The person would actually see a killer. For example purposes, let's say... Freddie Kruegar. If she cast such an illusion on you, you would actually believe that Freddie was behind you, granting her valuable time to rob/kill you.
Now let's move on to the eye-contact illusions. To cast them, she has to imagine the illusion, then send it through her eyes to the opponent. Afterwards, the leftover energy would purge her mind of the picture. For example, she could think of a naked woman, make eye contact with a man, and imagine what the said woman did, and the ensnared man would think it was actually happening, again leaving themselves open
Weapons: Katelin has very little in the way of weaponry. For the most part, she is the typical thief in the weapons department. Her main weapon is a pair of daggers, made of silver, which she filched off of a blacksmith. She originally was going to sell them, but she decided instead to keep them for self defense. Also, having been forced to live on the streets, she is rather adept at using the environment to her advantage, using nearby objects to fight or slow down opponents. She prefers not to fight however, cause she is usually outmatched.
Other Information
[/u][/size][/right]RP Sample: This is probably the most important part of your character. All characters must have an RP sample (Even if you have already made a character before). If it is not up to par for the site, you will be entered into the RP school and learn with one of our RolePlay Teachers before you can RP on the site. This is for intermediate role-players or those who are willing to learn how to RP better. And please don’t copy and paste from someone elses RP sample on another site. If there is a difference between your RP sample and your RPing, we will strip the character from you.
[TOPIC] If your character is 10 or older (For animals, 5 or older), RP You in the choosing the god ceremony in the Planes of Existance. Description of the world is posted below. If you are younger then 10 (For animals, younger then 5) just make up a random RP sample. If you choose the Non-Believer option instead, then you can either state that you don't believe in a god when Jason comes to get you or when you are taken to the Choosing the God ceremony. That will be your topic instead.
[DESCRIPTION OF THE CHOOSING THE GOD CEREMONY] A large dome like room with 7 large screens showing the gods and actually speaking to the person. When you walk in, you sit in a chair and listen to each god speak to you. Jason Arilani then speaks to you and tells you to choose your God. Once you do, the other gods disappear, the symbol of the god floats in the sphere floating in front of the chair. The god takes over all of the screens and you are told to take the symbol from the sphere. When you do, your foreheads bears the signia of your choice.
Other: This is where you put ANY other information not listed in the categories above. This can be as long, or as short as you would like. You don't even have to put anything in here if you don't like to.[/color]